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Local Business Directories Make It Easy For Customers To Review Their Personal Experience With A Brand – ICMediaDirect

Local Business Directories Make It Easy For Customers To Review Their Personal Experience With A Brand – ICMediaDirect

Businesses take measures to create a strong Internet presence and build trust among their consumers but very often disregard the significance of reputation management. Local business directories make it easily available for clients to describe their own experiences with a brand or business. So, businesses should be alert of how their firm is being perceived by expected customers. As per the experts at ICMediaDirect, “What people say about your business has become the most important yardstick of your reliability and services.ou are what people find about you online.” Consequently, it is vital for companies to monitor customer reviews and tactfully handle any negative feedback. 70 percent of buyers say online criticism heavily affects them before making their own buy, and this might deter them from selecting the products or service offered by a certain company. With several ways available for handling negative reviews, ICMediaDirect puts together the best approach of replying quickly to rectify any issues offline.

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