by IC Media Direct | Apr 15, 2018 | News

ICMediaDirect On Importance Of Strong Online Reviews
Positive reviews can, of course, increase business, notes ICMediaDirect. But the study proves that negative feedback can have a direct fiscal drain on a firm. 86% of potential customers said they would think twice about buying a product from a company with bad online reviews, for example. Going further, an extra star on reviews generates a 5% to 9% average rise in revenue for the firm, while just one negative review may result in the company losing about 30 customers. Receiving positive reviews on the web translates into direct sales.
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by IC Media Direct | Apr 8, 2018 | News

ICMediaDirect Wins Another New York Excellence Award
New York City and Washington DC-based Reputation Management and PR agency ICMediaDirect provides specialized insight on the importance of online reputation for individuals and businesses. For over 20 years, this team of reputation experts have been offering brand repair services and online status improvements for clients including elite individuals and Fortune 500 companies. This year, ICMediaDirect once again took home the New York Excellence Award from the Small Business Institute for Excellence in Commerce (SBIEC), marking the third consecutive year of receiving the honor, after showcasing strong business ethics and corporate values. Learn more and see your Online Reputation Report now, by visiting
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by IC Media Direct | Apr 1, 2018 | News

ICMediaDirect Speaks To Success Of Affliliate Summit 2016
Affiliate Summit 2016 featured presenters from many influential and thought-provoking public figures in the field of online platforms and marketing, explains ICMediaDirect. Speaker Scott Stratten, a social media and relationship marketing expert, President of Un-Marketing and the author of four best-selling business books, is one of “America’s 10 Marketing Gurus”, as noted by Business Review USA. The last part of Affiliate Summit East 2016 sees an SEO keynote panel, with Bruce Clay (President of Bruce Clay, Inc.), Duane Forrester (VP at Bruce Clay, Inc.), and Stephan Spencer (Co-Author of The Art of SEO) sharing their thoughts.
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by IC Media Direct | Mar 25, 2018 | News

ICMediaDirect Discusses Google Alerts, Social Mentions
Reputation experts from ICMediaDirect encourage companies to closely monitor online activities so that a reputation management plan can be put in place as quickly as possible. By tracking brand mentions and online reviews, individuals and agencies can be proactive in their handling of online reputation management. A variety of monitoring tools keep the task both efficient and simple. Google Alerts, for example, allows users to receive email updates when new Google results feature brand mentions. The Social Mention tool monitors activities connected to a brand on various social media platforms by keeping track of selected keywords.
Read more:—-reputation-management—-experts-at-icmediadirect-reveal-key-features-of-online-reputation-2016-07-10