by IC Media Direct | May 14, 2017 | News

ICMediaDirect Discusses Perks Of Obtaining Top Online Reviews
A recent study confirmed that 9 out of 10 individuals respond to internet reviews, with participants suggesting they consider reviews as significant as a personal recommendation. Prominent PR firm ICMediaDirect comprehends the importance of reputation management and works with businesses and individuals to capitalize on this data. The results of this study were formulated into an infographic by Invesp, and show just how vital word of mouth is in the marketplace. The findings also show that customers will spend nearly 31% more money on the services of businesses showing “excellent” reviews, and 72% of responders will only make a purchase after seeing positive reviews. Your Online Reputation Report can be viewed now, by visiting
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by IC Media Direct | May 7, 2017 | News

ICMediaDirect Reputation Experts Discuss Social Media Best Practices
Fully utilizing brand-related social media accounts is a powerful way to improve online reputation. Social channels such as Facebook and Twitter perform well in Google searches. When potential customers search for a company, product, or individual one of the top results will likely be a focused social media channel. Businesses can then relieve unrelated listings about their brand from top pages of results with a thorough and engaging social media presence, and provide a controlled outlet to increase relevant hits with excellent SEO. Another perk of having a presence on social is being able to handle feedback, both positive and negative. Putting SEO within responses, social media platforms give businesses the platform to proficiently respond to consumers, while also increasing their search rankings. Companies gain from having simple ways to express the strengths of their brand and to work with concerns raised by customers. ICMediaDirect predicts that this is going to be especially critical in 2016, as more platforms will be indexed by Google so that individual posts will then have the same value as normal web pages.
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by IC Media Direct | Apr 30, 2017 | News

ICMediaDirect Takes Home SBIEC Award For Third Straight Year
Proud to be a winner of the New York Excellence Award in 2014 and 2015, the award is a reflection on the striking success and commercial recognition of ICMediaDirect in the public relations field, as the firm continues to “consistently demonstrate a high regard for upholding business ethics and company values”. This year has been innovative for industries facing the many challenges of social media mastery and digital reputation management.
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by IC Media Direct | Apr 23, 2017 | News

ICMediaDirect Experts On Strategies For Maximizing Social Media SEO
A top reputation management company, ICMediaDirect, explains the process for companies and individuals to use search engine optimization (SEO) to grow their personal or business’ online reputation. As spenders frequently check internet search engines for information about products and services before making purchases, the firm is pushing for businesses to implement SEO techniques to optimize their online image. Proven strategies maintain that the top results on Google and other search engines satisfy customers and present a positive image that will improve a brand’s reputation. See your Online Reputation Report immediately, by visiting
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by IC Media Direct | Apr 16, 2017 | News

ICMediaDirect Takes Home SBIEC Award For Third Straight Year
Proud to be a winner of the New York Excellence Award in 2014 and 2015, the award is a reflection on the striking success and commercial recognition of ICMediaDirect in the public relations field, as the firm continues to “consistently demonstrate a high regard for upholding business ethics and company values”. This year has been innovative for industries facing the many challenges of social media mastery and digital reputation management.
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