by IC Media Direct | May 17, 2020 | News

ICMediaDirect Work Directly With Companies For Better Digital Reputation
While the statistics are applicable to all companies, they hone in on local businesses. An unparalleled 92% of respondents explain they would only patronize a company if it had a minimum of a four-star rating on review sites. The stats show that reliability (27%), expertise (21%), and professionalism (18%) have been deemed the most critical characteristics for a local firm to display. After analyzing this study and more, ICMediaDirect confirms that maintaining a solid reputation online is just as important for a company as focusing on its offline standing in the area.
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by IC Media Direct | May 10, 2020 | News

ICMediaDirect Receives Recognition For Corporate Ethics
The SBIEC is a prominent authority which distinguishes companies across a plethora of industries that meet its standards of excellence. It has stood for independent enterprise and entrepreneurial growth, while offering the possibility for businesses of all sizes to be recognized for top performance. Priority is given to those meeting and exceeding expectations for customer service, product quality and ethical practices. ICMediaDirect was recognized for the third consecutive year due to its ability to maintain these necessary qualities, as it pioneers and masters digital campaigns that benefit its hundreds of clients every day. Its team of professionals are capable of recognizing any undesired online content, and create their personalized campaigns to improve search engine results on all web browsers.
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by IC Media Direct | May 3, 2020 | News

ICMediaDirect Honored With Third Consecutive SBIEC Service Award
The Small Business Institute for Excellence in Commerce (SBIEC) has given reputation management specialist, ICMediaDirect its New York Excellence Award for the third straight year. On an annual basis, the SBIEC selects companies which have attained exceptional success in their business and regional commercial environment. The decision factors numerous corporate reviews and research of the firm’s industry. Individuals and businesses can view their Online Reputation Report now, by visiting
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by IC Media Direct | Apr 26, 2020 | News

IC Media Direct Responsible For Growing Reputation Of High-Profile Clients
IC Media Direct, based in New York and Washington, D.C., is a public relations and online reputation management agency responsible for transforming the way high-profile individuals and companies manage brand information. The award-winning firm recently revealed the key pillars they use to manage online reputation, as many organizations are struggling to develop viable, responsive digital media campaigns. The company’s strategic operations work not only to suppress unfavorable publicity in search engine results, but to provide hope to hundreds of companies and individuals wishing to project a positive message online. View your own Online Reputation Report now, by visiting http://www.IC Media
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by IC Media Direct | Apr 19, 2020 | News

ICMediaDirect Building Better Image For Top Brands
The public relations specialist in online reputation management, ICMediaDirect has perfected the method of working with search engine algorithms to minimize negative results. Since 1996, the leading online PR and marketing firm has been helping companies and individuals present positive messages to a higher page ranking in search results as online reputation management has gained a pivotal role in effective brand management. See your Online Reputation Report now, by visiting
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