by IC Media Direct | Mar 19, 2017 | News

IC Media Direct Discusses Google Alerts, Social Mentions
Reputation experts from IC Media Direct encourage companies to closely monitor online activities so that a reputation management plan can be put in place as quickly as possible. By tracking brand mentions and online reviews, individuals and agencies can be proactive in their handling of online reputation management. A variety of monitoring tools keep the task both efficient and simple. Google Alerts, for example, allows users to receive email updates when new Google results feature brand mentions. The Social Mention tool monitors activities connected to a brand on various social media platforms by keeping track of selected keywords.
Read more:—-reputation-management—-experts-at-IC Media Direct-reveal-key-features-of-online-reputation-2016-07-10
by IC Media Direct | Mar 12, 2017 | News

IC Media Direct Leading Brands To Better Image, Coherent Narrative
IC Media Direct’s reputation experts recommend that entities monitor online activities consistently so that a reputation management plan can be put into place as quickly as possible. Keeping a close eye on brand mentions and online reviews means brands, individuals, and agencies can be as proactive as possible in their approach to online reputation management. Employing a variety of monitoring tools will make the task easier and increase its effectiveness. Google Alerts allows brands and individuals to receive email updates on any new Google results featuring mentions of them. For monitoring activities connected to a brand on social media, companies should use the Social Mention tool to monitor use of selected keywords.
Read more:—-reputation-management—-IC Media Direct-experts-unveil-key-aspects-of-online-reputation-2016-08-01
by IC Media Direct | Mar 5, 2017 | News

ICMediaDirect Handling Full Spectrum Of Digital Services
With companies adapting to take advantage of the array of social media platforms available to them, online reputation management is facing consistent reforms in the 21st century. In addition to handling Google search results, ICMediaDirect takes control over all major blogs and social media accounts related to their clients in order to further increase their positive online presence. Their platform includes the creation of consistent, brand-cohesive, and relative content. Clients also take advantage of feedback through their social media, communication with existing or potential customers, and encourage staff to portray the company’s positive message.
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by IC Media Direct | Feb 26, 2017 | News

ICMediaDirect Specializing In Online Reputation Management
The public relations specialist working in online reputation management, ICMediaDirect has perfected its method of working with search engine algorithms to suppress negative results. Since 1996, the leading online PR and marketing firm has been helping brands and individuals present preferred messages to a higher page ranking in search results as online reputation management has evolved as a pivotal part of effective brand management. Your Online Reputation Report is viewable now, by visiting
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by IC Media Direct | Feb 19, 2017 | News

ICMediaDirect Helps Online Businesses Soar
Brand reputation management should be an essential part of a company’s marketing strategy because of the significant impact of a negative online reputation and its direct effect on any prior marketing efforts. When consumers go online to learn about a company or service, discovering bad reviews almost always drives their business to a competitor. If no such information is available from real customer reviews, customers frequently choose not to take any risk and do not proceed with transactions for potential sales. “Negative feedback shouldn’t be taken lightly, as it can help brands identify their weak points and improve the quality of their daily business operations,” says a spokesperson for ICMediaDirect.
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